Kenapa ya?

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011 Label: ,

Pernah ngga sih kalian tiba-tiba dapet firasat yang iseng dateng selintas aja, firasat kayak gini:
"Kayaknya suatu saat nanti bakalan ada sesuatu antara aku sama orang ini. He would be my boyfriend or... yea you know, something?"

Padahal anehnya, saat itu aku belum jatuh cinta padanya. 
Bahkan sama sekali tidak berpikir aku menyukainya. 
Tapi entah pikiran konyol darimana aku pernah mikir kayak gitu. Dulu sekali. 
Jauh, jauh sebelum semuanya jadi seperti ini.

Kenapa bisa gitu ya?

"3 tahun yang lalu band kamu maen disana ya?"
"Iya, kamu liat? Masa?"
"Liat, serius."
"Wih keren, 3 tahun yang lalu..."
"Nggak nyangka ya, sekarang bisa kenal aja." 

Mendadak inget duluuuu sekali, pernah dapet firasat yang ngga sengaja numpang lewat, dan nyeleneh gitu. Kenapa bisa gitu ya... dan anehnya, sekarang firasat itu justru jadi kenyataan. 

Happy Birthday!

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011 Label: ,

"Mau langsung pulang?" 
"Yaaa mau kemana lagi gitu a?" 
"Um, ada buku apa ya yang lagi dipengenin? Kayaknya ga ada."
"Kalo aa sih, lagi pengen Habibie dan Ainun..."
"Apa itu?"
"Masa ga tau? Itu teh....."

Hampir satu bulan yang lalu, tragedi Tron Legacy. Ini tuh waktu yang emang jalan terlalu cepet apa akunya aja yang ngerasa gitu? Ah, time passes quickly when you're in love. That's true. 

Well, hari ini pacar kesayangan ulang taun. Maaf ngga bisa ngasih video ucapan happy birthday dari Widi Vierra atau Pevita Pearce ya, video happy birthday ala Paradita Pearce aja deh ya :p

The birthday boy :x
It’s your birthday, but it is me whom got the gift. It is you. I’m the lucky girl who got to be with you for another year.
It’s your birthday, and the older you get, the more wonderful you'll become.
It’s your birthday, and I look forward with joy to each day we'll spend together.
I'd like to say, you’ve made me happy just by being you.

"Because you're the gift in my life, I give you gift of my love."

Have a wonderful birthday, My Special One.
Grow old along with me!

Maaf udah nyuekin selama 3 hari,
maaf bikin kaget dengan tau-tau udah kiclik di depan rumah bawa-bawa kue + lilin yang malah mati sebelum ditiup :p
I love you! ♥

Fiksi Mini

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011 Label:

13 Februari 2011. 5:48 PM. Akhirnya setelah sejak lama berpartisipasi di @fiksimini, ngirim berbagai fiksi 140 karakter, AKHIRNYA TADI DI-RT! AKHIRNYA! 

Account besar dengan lebih dari 61ribu followers ini udah lama eksis di Twitter. Tiap aku ngesearch @fiksimini, pasti ada banyak mention masuk, bahkan kurang dari 1 menit. Akhirnya gara-gara ngga pernah yakin bisa kena RT, aku bikin fiksinya dengan niat iseng aja. EH TERNYATA. Di-RT!

AH SENENG BANGET! Pengen guling-guling jadinya. Habis itu langsung pamer sama si Faldy. Abisnya dulu sering saingan pabanyak-banyak dimention sama account-account besar. Bahkan sampe ke Menteri, Bapak Tifatul Sembiring. Uhuhu lucky me, waktu itu iseng ngetweet taunya dibales Pak Tif :p DAN INI. AKHIRNYA DI-RT FIKSI MINI. Langsung pamer ke si Faldy yes, I am the champion! (/‾ω‾)/

Anyway, aku suka sama karya orang-orang di Fiksi Mini. Dengan batasan 140 karakter, mereka bisa bikin suatu fiksi yang... apa ya istilahnya? Pokoknya, simpel tapi dapet, gitu tah.

How 'bout mine? Ngena ngga? 
Dalam 140 karakter, aku menjabarkannya kayak yang diatas, 

TIDAK BISA BEKERJA LAGI. "Mengapa kau minta pensiun?" | "Istrinya sudah meninggal, Tuhan." Ucap Hati.

Kalau dijelasin panjang lebarnya, ya gini...
Jadi ceritanya, ada sebuah *bener ya sebuah?* hati milik seorang suami. Well, dibayangin aja ya, namanya juga fiksi, nah, si hati pulang ke Tuhan, minta buat pensiun. Gara-gara semenjak istrinya meninggal, si hati ngga bisa bekerja lagi, atau secara gombalnya, si hati ngga bisa mencintai siapa-siapa lagi. Gitu. 

Gimana gimana? Ah mari main fiksi mini lagi (◦'⌣'◦)


Kamis, 10 Februari 2011 Label: ,

Izinkan aku sedikit mengenangmu
Dan bagaimana kita bertemu

Bukan, bukan dengan kumpulan kata-kata syahdu
Aku bukan penyair yang mampu membuat bacaan ini menjadi candu
Aku hanya ingin sedikit mengenangmu
Dengan kata-kataku yang telah membatu
Sejak hari sebelum aku menemukan cinta di matamu

Aku hanya ingin sedikit mengenangmu
Seperti rak buku yang menjadi saksi bisu
Dan degup jantung yang datang lebih dulu
Sebelum kata, "Hai." terucap dari bibir yang kelu

Aku hanya ingin sedikit mengenangmu
Seperti koridor sekolah yang meringis malu
Hanya karena tak sengaja bertemu

Aku hanya ingin sedikit mengenangmu
Seperti semburat rona merah di pipiku
Yang tak sengaja bersemu,
hanya karena mengingat senyummu di hari Sabtu

Aku hanya ingin sedikit mengenangmu
Seperti sesuatu yang ada di kedua matamu
Mampu terlihat tanpa melihat
Seolah mencuri satu ruang pandang di mataku

Aku hanya ingin sedikit mengenangmu,
dan bagaimana kita bertemu.
Tapi sesaat benakku membayang senyummu,
lalu kalimatku bilang ia tak sanggup
Seperti hati yang tiba-tiba tergugup,
semua kata bagai tertiup.
Seperti kelopak mata yang tiba-tiba menguncup,
aku kehilangan kataku.

Jika ditanya apa yang begitu buat merindu,
batinku jawab tak tahu.
Seperti alat tulis yang tergelak lucu,
melihat namamu di setiap buku catatanku.

Jika ditanya apa yang buatku tak tahu,
mungkin adalah dunia yang hitam putih kelabu,
karena kamu warnaku.

Izinkan aku sedikit mengenangmu,
dan bagaimana kita bertemu.
Dan izinkan aku sedikit mengulum senyum sebelum tidur.
Bersiap menyapa pagi dengan pesanmu.
Dan menutup hari dengan bayangmu.

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011. 10:41 PM. 
Well, karya murni saya. No copy-ing and no plagiarism, thanks! Alhamdulillah, I finally found my inspiration now, yay! Rajin nulis lagi ah ☺
PS: Selamat 1 minggu. Thanks for today! I had a great time, though. Too bad, time always flies too fast everytime I'm with you, Chef :( I love ya!

:) + :'( = Complicated Post!

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011 Label: ,

ps: Maklum ya kalo Grammar dan Tenses salah, namanya juga belajar. Terus kalo pake Bahasa Indonesia malu ah, terkesan gombalism  :p
Hello, Blog! This is me being honest. I'm amazingly feeling happy today.
Why? There are some reasons... for one happiness.

First, I want to tell you, Blog.
There is a boy. 
Early in the morning, every time I'm still in bed, he texts me even when the sun hasn't rise yet. I love how I waking up to his texts. Then, his texts have becoming a part of my daily routine life. And I hate it when I'm waking up without his texts. It means, I'm falling in love with him, right? Then, I realized, being in love with him makes every morning worth getting up for.

I love how he says, "Us". 
I love how he says, "See you at school!".
I love how he asks, "What are you doing now? Breathing? Blinking? Hehehe".
I love how we were accidentally met at school. 
I love how we were talk a lot on Text Messages and Yahoo Messenger chat, but when we met at school, there was just a silence between us. 
An awkward feeling, and an awkward atmosphere between us.
So there was just a "Hi." and a "Bye."

I'm also laughing with some boys, but none of them ever mean as much as he does.
Because sometimes, I hope I can talk to him like I talk to another guys. 
Because sometimes, I need to think twice before I talk to him. 
Because I felt like, I'm afraid he'll stop to have a chat with me just because he got bored with me, or he lost his words. 

I love how I randomly smiling every time I get a text from him, or when he greets me on a chat. 
I'm in love with him, and I don't know since when, and why I do love him.

And then, the second.
"You know that you are in love when the hardest thing to do is say good-bye!”
It was 2 weeks ago. 
When a girl, his ex, asked me to stay away from him. I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart. And I didn't even know why! He was just one of my ordinary friend, wasn't he? Then why I felt like I want to tell her, "I won't. I can't."

But at first, I said, "Yes." Because I have no reason why I don't want to stay away from him?
It hurts me so when I saw him in my Twitter Timeline, and I couldn't give him a response.
I felt so sad because I still want to be near with him. And that was the fact.

Wednesday, 2 weeks ago.
That was the time when she asked me, "Please tell me, could you just stay away from him?"
And I can't even nodding my head. It wasn't as easy as when I said, "Yes." on Yahoo Messenger.
Then when my friends ask me, "If you won't leave him, is it means you like him? You like him, don't you?"
And suddenly, I smile. And my face started to blush.
Is that so? Am I falling in love with him, so I won't stay away from him? 
I realize, 
if we were just an ordinary friend, I'll let her take him away. And I'll be okay if I should stay away.

Then, the third.
"I love time warping." - Raditya Dika
Well, time warping is thing that I knew from one of Raditya Dika's book.
Time warping means time flies so fast when you're with the one you love, or with the one you're in love with.

Well, I love it when he came to my home, and took me somewhere. And we had a time-warping situation, not realizing that time flies so fast when we're together. All that hours we spent felt like a mere minute. It was kind of weird, huh?
And it also happens every time we had a Yahoo Messenger chat. I thought that time flies too fast every time I have a chat with him. That time warping moment made me realize, "So, maybe I'm in love."

And then, the fourth. Let's change the subject from "he" to "you" okay? -_-
Today, I got some randomly-laughing-feelings. I remember the day when we were just a-REAL-ordinary-friend.
I remember the day when you asked me how to make a girl loves you. I said, "Um, I don't know." But now, you made me falling in love with your own way!
I remember the day when you asked for my advice, about, "How if the girl I love has taken, but her heart is mine?". I remember I told you, "She has to choose, you, or his boyfriend. That's all."
I remember the day when I asked for your advice, about, "How if I decided to broke-up with my boyfriend, because of my family problem." And I remember, I posted your advice here, in this Blog! I remember, you told me, "Me too. I'm not sure I'll be together forever with my girlfriend."

Then, I feel some disappointed feelings when...
I  remember the day when you told me that your little-sister name is... same with your ex-girlfriend's name.
I remember the day when my friend told me about how sweet your relationship was.
I remember the day when my friend told me you gave a sweet surprise to your ex-girlfriend when she had birthday. That was so sweet. 

Well, I wasn't a stranger in your life, right?
I know how sweet your relationship was. Exactly. 
I always remember how I ever think you and your ex-girlfriend are a cute couple, though. 

Actually, those little things about you make me afraid. 
What if I'm not good enough for you?
What if a part of you still in love with her?
I remember the day when I opened your Blog, and I saw a picture there.
A short-text, "There's a part of me that will always be in love with you." :(
I remember the day when your ex-girlfriend's friend told me, "You know what? He was crying over her, just to make her come back to his side."

Actually, I'm not really sure... 
I'm in love with you, and that is why I'm afraid about everything, and made this post for almost 1 hour.